Climate change

Elizabeth Palmberg 6-19-2009
As I look at where we need to get, pronto -- 350 parts per million or less carbon in the atmosphere, sustainable use of planetary resources, and a world economy consistent with those things -- and
Congress is hard at work on historic energy and climate change legislation. The House of Representatives plans to vote on a bill in the next few weeks, with the Senate to follow in early fall.

Brian McLaren 5-29-2009
Many in the Republican Party and some noteworthy Christian leaders have come together to call Judge Sotomayor a racist.
Jim Wallis 5-14-2009
The industrialized world's collective failure to both regulate pollution and curb gross overconsumption has put millions and billions of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people at increase
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-24-2009
Nigerian activist Leo Atakpu is a busy guy -- he advocates for debt cancellation, opposes water privatization, and speaks out against climate change.
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-23-2009
Often, when we hear about global warming, what we get on the news is statistics that are hard to take in.
Cesar Baldelomar 4-22-2009
We are at a global turning point.
Lemeyo Abon, an indigenous elder from the Marshall Islands, is a survivor of fallout from the largest nuclear bomb ever
Andy Clasper 4-08-2009
The group of 20 leading and emerging nations met at the Excel Centre in London's Docklands last week in a meeting which Gordon Brown heralded as the dawning of a new world order.
Ray Offenheiser 4-07-2009
The realities of global poverty are very stark.
Fred Bahnson 3-16-2009
As the engine of the American Economy coughs, sputters, and shifts to low gear (too soon to say "grinds to a halt"), another motor driving the American Dream is also running low on fuel: the food s
Jarrod McKenna 2-11-2009
That U.S. megaphone of amazing grace, Shane Claiborne, was recently moved to tears after witnessing a youth gathering in Australia.
Brian McLaren 1-21-2009

I'm 52, and I've had a great first half-century of life (and am looking forward to the next). But this inaugural week I feel an extraordinary happiness. Younger people can understand it to a great degree, but I think many folks my age and older

Jim Wallis 1-19-2009
The day after the inauguration, I will be joining with Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, and Christian leaders at the National Prayer Service for our new president.
Jim Wallis 12-12-2008
Rich Cizik has been a pioneer in the "new evangelical" movement and a real hero, especially to the next generation of young believers.
Jim Wallis 10-23-2008
In 2004, several conservative Catholic bishops and a few megachurch pastors like Rick Warren issued their list of "non-negotiables," which were intended to be a voter guide for their followers.

Max Kuecker was a devoted member of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IV) on Northwestern's campus in the mid 90's. It provided faith, fellowship, support, and friends. One thing, however, really bothered him: "It was clear from the culture around me that to be a Christian meant I had to be a Republican.

Kaitlin Barker 10-20-2008
The financial crisis is nothing to bat an eyelash at, of course, but as the U.S.
Becky Garrison 10-20-2008

Through videos, dioramas, and interactive stations, the American Museum of Natural History's (AMNH) exhibit Climate Change: The Threat to Life and A New Energy Future, explores the different ways we have altered the natural world through our