
Jim Wallis 2-04-2011
I was able to attend the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday morning and noted two important things about http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/02/03/remarks-president-...
Eugene Cho 2-03-2011
Hi everyone. I'm currently in Washington, D.C.
Jim Rice 2-03-2011
This Sunday would be Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday, and the predictable tributes have come from across the political spectrum.
Helen Lee 2-03-2011
By now, you've surely heard about the infamous Wall Street Journal article enti
George Mitrovich 1-19-2011
Sargent Shriver was one of the most attractive, dynamic, and accomplished men of his time. When President John F. Kennedy chose Mr.
Jim Wallis 1-19-2011

Yesterday afternoon Sargent Shriver, a man of God and dedicated public servant, passed away at the age of 95.

Eugene Cho 1-14-2011

In anticipation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (this coming Monday, January 17, I'm sharing one of my favorite MLK Jr. quotes:

Eugene Cho 1-06-2011
Yesterday morning, I arrived at Q Cafe as I do on nearly every work morning to begin a new day.
Eugene Cho 12-29-2010

In light of an unsuccessful campaign to become the president of my middle school as an eighth grader, I have no plans on entering politics and running for political office.

Chuck Collins 12-14-2010

In 2010, the moral measure of tax policy choice is: Does it further concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few?

Eugene Cho 12-01-2010

You need to watch this. In fact, you must watch this. Please watch this.

Julie Clawson 11-26-2010
Recently I walked through downtown Austin in my underwear. Okay, so it was actually men's boxers and an undershirt, but still, technically, underwear.
Jim Wallis 11-18-2010
There has been a lot of talk about deficits lately. This is for good reasons. Our personal and national relationship to debt is indeed a moral issue.
John Engle 11-09-2010

There's been considerable rain where we live in Haiti, and there are also wind gusts. I fear for folks in Leogane and elsewhere who are vulnerable to flooding.

Elizabeth Palmberg 11-02-2010

Imagine a world in which Wall Street decided that vaccines were a good investment -- not pharmaceutical companies, but doses of medicine themselves. Speculators might start hoarding a mixed portfolio of polio, tetanus, and swine flu vaccines in a refrigerated warehouse.

Michael Komba 11-02-2010
Since I moved into Casa Maria Catholic Worker in 1999, my work has focused around hospitality for the homeless.
Many people grew up enjoying the song, "Zacchaeus was a wee little man," celebrating this beloved story of Jesus and a tax collector.
Helen P. DeLeon 10-26-2010

[Editor's Note: Welcome to Sojourner's Truth and and Civility Election Watch Honor Roll. This post is part of a series of submissions from our constituents that highlight organizations and individuals engaging in positive, honest discourse.]