
Rev. James Martin 9-02-2010
After his colossal "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington, D.C., Glenn Beck took aim at one of his favorite targets, Barack Obama, but in a novel way.
Julie Clawson 9-01-2010
Emergent Village will be hosting its annual Theological Conversation this year in Atlanta, GA from Nov.
Leslie G. Woods 8-27-2010

I arrived in the faith-based advocacy community in Washington, D.C. fresh out of divinity school.

Jim Wallis 8-26-2010
This coming Saturday, August 28 will mark the 47th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where King delivered his famous "I Have a Dream Speech." Glenn Beck has chosen this d
Eugene Cho 8-20-2010
I'm thankful that God rarely answers our constant requests wanting to know the future.


Ruth Hawley-Lowry 8-20-2010
On August 28, 1963 the mastermind of the historic March on Washington, A.
Eugene Cho 8-12-2010
Several years ago, I spent several hours/week doing research (and meeting with other pastors) about pastoral health and vitality for my denomination.

Against many odds, I was given the chance to spend six days at the Aspen Ideas Festival this summer.
Yvette Schock 8-10-2010

[Editor's Note: This week we will have a series of reviews on films with a focus on immigration. Check back each day for a new film review, and visit www.faithandimmigration.org for more information]

Eugene Cho 8-03-2010
By now, most of you have heard of the dramatic news of Anne Rice's simple statement of "quitting Christianity." I'm amazed how much coverage this has received -- everywhere.

David Vasquez 8-03-2010
Abraham and Sarah left all that was familiar and dear to them to follow the promise of a better future.
Maggie Goddard 7-30-2010
"I hate civilians," Warden Clooney barked into the microphone.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 7-27-2010
I am grieved and angry that Glenn Beck is going to be on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28 (the anniversary of the historic civil rights March on Washington on August 28, 1963) -- and
Christine Sine 7-19-2010
The other day, I got together with a pastor friend who is feeling discouraged and overwhelmed by the extent of the Gulf oil spill and his inability
Brian McLaren 7-16-2010
I often say that one of my favorite parts of being a pastor for 24 years was pronouncing the benediction each week at the end of gathered worship.
Jim Wallis 7-15-2010
It was a nice invitation, not unlike many I've received before.
Majora Carter 7-15-2010
Before the Gulf Coast's 100-percent-human-made oil spill disaster, there was Katrina. That hurricane wasn't the strongest to hit New Orleans.